9 Things You Seriously Need To Drop To Be Happy

Things You Need to drop to be happy

Such a widely searched term nowadays is “How to be happy?”

We all want to be happy right? We fight for it. We live for it. We try to find it.

And that’s the problem: We’re chasing it.

It’s time to stop looking elsewhere and look within instead. As you reflect, you’d probably find a ton of things that you can let go of to be happy.

So here we will highlight 9 things you seriously need to drop to be happy.


Here are 9 things you seriously need to drop to be happy


1) Attachment to results

In other words, you need to stop having high expectations in whatever it is you do.  That’d be only serve to make you feel attached to a supposedly good result.

Let go of the attachment. Whatever happens, will happen. Accept it, learn from it, grow and keep enjoying the process.


2) Toxic friends

Sometimes, your lack of happiness could be due to your surroundings. Drop the toxic friends. They’re anchors weighing you down. Find positive friends instead. They’ll inspire you and lift you up all the time.


3) The chase for money

I get it. Money is important. We all have our responsibilities after all.

But what can I say except that the decision to chase money is always your choice.

Try to make this shift. You’d realize how deserving you are of money.


4) Finding love                                            

Don’t find love. Do what you love, and love will find you.

It’s not that cliché. If you try too hard to find somebody to be with, you end up coming across as needy. That’s not attractive. If you do what you love and enjoy it, you become attractive as you exude confidence and charisma.


5) Your clutter

This is kind of like the first point. You may be too attached to a lot of unnecessary things in your life.

Clean up your room and get rid of the clutter. A healthy environment produces a happy mind.

Let go of certain objects of value too, like your first car. You may be holding on too tight. Sometimes you’ve to liberate yourself to move forward.


6) Social media

You’re subconsciously boring yourself in the search of entertainment in social media. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that it’s mindless and draining. Also, with mobile apps today, we’re not aware of our surroundings when we head out.

Drop it. Start being aware and appreciate nature. Find better hobbies too, like reading.


7) The past and future

Drop the past, for it does not exist anymore. Whatever happened during that time and whoever hurt you don’t matter anymore.

Drop the future for you cannot ever have full control of all events. Embrace uncertainty and let it all take care of itself.


8) Ideas of getting back at them

I know how it feels like to want to exact “revenge” or find ways to get back at other people when you’re wronged or hurt.

But you’ve got to drop it. It doesn’t do you any good at all. As they say, resentment is the poison you drink hoping someone else would die.

Focus on yourself and your life instead. Choose to be happy by doing what you love and becoming awesome.


9) Over reliance of happiness guides

I’m talking about blogs, courses, seminars, friends and family.

They can all help you, but they’re only dare to guide you. No one except you can choose to be happy.

Make the right choice. Then get out there and start taking action. You’re going to have to create your own experience and memories, things which you can truly call your own.

A truthful life is a happy one. Go for it.


dalai lama picture quote

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