It’s Possible!!!!!!



“I want you to look at something right now.

Think of some major goal you want or maybe of one that you are already working on and you have experienced a lot of setback , a lot of defeats,.

You’ve experienced a lot of disappointment.

Maybe you have already given up?

Maybe you just need a little inspiring, a little encouragement to get back into the game again.

Here’s what I want you to look at!

There are winners.

There are losers.

And there are people who have not discovered how to win.

And all they need is some coaching.

All they need is some help and assistant, just a little support.

All they need is some insight, or different strategy, a plan of action.

To make some adjustments that will open up the key to a whole new future to them.

That will give them access to the unlimited power that they have within themselves.

That’s all that they need.

So, what I want you to do is think about something you want for YOU,

that’s real for YOU,

that’s important for YOU

That will give your life some special meaning and power.

And I don’t even want you to say I can do that!

I don’t want you to even assume that!

You see 5 years ago when I started out in this area.

I won’t not have been able to make the mental leap that I would be up to where I am right now.

I don’t want you to begin to psych yourself out.

No, No!

I want you to be able to say something to yourself that will enable you to maintain a level of integrity with yourself.

That when you say this, even when you face tremendous setbacks.

It will be a benchmark to keep you in the game.

To keep you moving forward, experimenting and readjusting your strategies and your plan of action.

Continuously looking for ways to win.

So, what is that something?

When you got an idea you want to move on, you might not have the money, you might not have the education, you might not have the support or resources you need.

What is that something?

That can keep us going, that will enable us to act on our grief?

Which one of those keys?

That will begin to help us to discover the secrets to our dreams

Here’s what I want you to repeat after me please, with power and conviction!


That’s all I want you to do when you look at your dreams.

Just say to yourself everyday!


Just say that every day to yourself!

It’s Possible!

Because, what does that do?

You see, it begins to change your belief system.

You see, the way in which we operate, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a manifestation of what we believe what’s possible for us.

Whatever you’ve done up to this point, all that it really is, is a duplication, it’s a reproduction of what you believe subconsciously that you deserve and what’s possible for your life.

Most people operate out of their personal history.

Out of their memory, things they’ve done, things they’ve experienced, things they’ve seen, things they have observed.

What I am suggesting is that you operate on a logic vision of yourself.

I want you to see yourself doing what you want to do.

Experiencing what you want to experience in.

Having what you want to have!

Doing what is, that gives your life some meaning and value!

Operate out of your imagination , not your memory!

Because whatever you look and wherever you want to go, I am going to warn you, you will have some conversation back here, after you go through the data that experienced in life, saying you can’t do it.

And so what you want to begin doing, is ignore that inner conversation .

With most people, ladies and gentlemen, when something happens to them, what they do is, they begin to believe that that’s the way it is, that’s the way it’s always been and they can’t see the possibilities of it being any different.

Before April 1954, the common belief, the universal belief, because it had been tried again, again and again, and people had failed, the belief was that man was not physically capable
of breaking the 4 minute barrier, that he could not run a mile, in less than 4 minutes.

That was the belief on the planet, it had never been done.

But, here’s what happened, ladies and gentlemen, Roger Bannister came along and he broke the 4 minute barrier!

Now, here’s what significant about that.

Since that time, up to this day, over 20 000 people have done it, including high school kids.

What changed?

20 000 people!

What Changed?

Here’s what happened when they got on the track.

They knew that it had been done!

And because they knew it had been done, there was a new belief about this barrier, about this goal that was unreachable.

And those 20 000 people got in the race believing, knowing in their heart that someone had done it.

That it’s Possible!

That they could do it!

And I am saying that if you knew anybody that had some goal some dream, something that they wanted to do and they did it!

has done it, then you can do it,

Then I am saying that you know in your heart that if someone has done it, THEN YOU can do it!

It’s Possible!

And that, if someone can make their dream become a reality, that it’s possible.

That you can make your dream become a reality!

And so as you begin to look at where you want to go, beginning to embrace that,

It’s Possible!

I am blessed and highly favoured!

I’ve got a lot going for me, I’ve got some good stuff in me.

And it’s possible that I can bring my greatness out here in the universe.

That I can do what I want to do!

It’s Possible

I can write my own book!

I can have my own business

I can take the trip and travel around the world

It’s Possible!

I can bounce back from adversity and reinvent my life!

It’s Possible

Regardless of where I am , that things can get better for me.

It’s Possible

Speech by Les Brown

9 Lies We Tell Ourselves That Kill Our Chances of Success

9 lies stopping you from achieving success

You know something? We’re lying to ourselves. We’re joking all the time. We don’t dare to face the truth.

Why? For a variety of reasons. Some of us are always making up excuses. Some of us are not disciplined enough to take on the hard work. The rest of us are afraid of success.

You may be thinking, “Hey! I’m no liar!” but the thing is, the lies are subtle.

Most, if not all of us are guilty of lying to ourselves from time to time.

Here are some of the things we say to ourselves, check it out.


1. “I don’t know what to do.”

Do you really?

Look, there’s honestly no excuse here. The answer to almost anything can be found with Google today.

Sure, maybe you don’t know the exact, technical answer you think you need for something, but the bigger question is whether you started to TRY your hand at the first solution you found.

The answers need not be perfect. Just give it a whirl. You will know what to do eventually.


2. “I’m too busy.”

To do what you know you have to do, which is to put in the work.

Straight up, busy is bullshit. Everybody is busy today!

If you really want something, you will make time for it no matter what.

So unless you know deep down you’ve really tried to fit the work in your schedule, you’re only lying to yourself.


3. “I’ve done all I could.”

If you know there’s another one or two possibilities to what you know you can do to give you better results, then do it.

Don’t say you’ve done it all just because you finished the main tasks. It’s the other tiny things that actually makes the difference in the results.


Henry Ford Picture Quote Think You Can

4. “I’m too tired.”

Or, are you just lazy?

Unless you’re a hundred years old or suffering from energy-sapping sickness, this is no excuse.

There’s no harm in losing a couple of hours of sleep or staying up late a little bit more to work. This is what separates the truly successful and the rest of the world.

If anything, do yourself a favour and adjust your lifestyle so that you can get ample rest to maximize your productivity.


5. “I can’t do it alone. I require guidance. I need a mentor!”

Come on man.

For whatever great feat there has been done out there, somebody did it on their own first! It also takes a single person with a single idea within to invent or create something!

Getting help and being mentored is great for reducing the learning curve, but how would you know how capable you really are if you don’t give yourself a chance to fail?

Run into the dark. You’ll be surprised with what you’re capable of.


6. “I’m broke.”

This lie comes in two forms.

The first is that we think we need to spend on the latest equipment, course or whatever before we start on our venture.

No, you don’t. Just because something is new and expensive doesn’t mean you will get a lot out of it. You can easily try your hand at starting now with free tools online or simply borrowing from others.

The second is that we think we lack money when we really don’t.

I’m broke” is what the guy who drinks, smokes and parties all the time said. That’s a true story I see in some of my friends.

Unless your bank account reads zero and you’re homeless, you’re not broke. You just need to stop spending on crap and start investing in yourself properly.

And quite frankly, you’ve only yourself to blame if you don’t want to get a job when you know you can.


Worrying Self Talk Picture Quote

7. “I’m not as good as others.”

This is pure self-sabotage. It is a lie that only reflects your lack of confidence and sadly, it becomes true for you when it paralyzes you into inaction.

See now, it’s not about being as good as others. It’s about always doing your best and learning to be an effective communicator to your prospects with your art, craft and passion. How good or bad others are really don’t matter at all.

Don’t put others on a pedestal. Work on creating your own pedestal and lift yourself up.

Besides, even if others are more talented than you, it’s useless if they don’t have the right attitude and that’s what matters most.


8. “I don’t know where to start.”

You don’t know? Or you just don’t dare to?

It’s too easy to start today, so there’s really no excuses.

Learn by using Google.

Try your hand at it and carry out the first step.

Get feedback by sharing it with your friends on social media.

How can you not know where to start?


9. “I’m not good enough.”

The worst lie of all. When you say this, you’re telling yourself something that doesn’t exist at all.

Again, it’s not about trying to be good. It’s about trying and giving it your best shot.

And you do that over and over again until you become the best version of yourself.

Please don’t ever lie to yourself like that. It’s unhealthy and doesn’t make sense at all.

You can’t ever know for certain until you try, start and give yourself a chance. Nobody starts something being the best anyway.


What are some of the lies you to yourself sometimes? Please share them in the comments below so we can learn from one another.


50 Inspirational Joel Osteen Quotes To Live By

Joel Osteen Picture Quotes

Best Selling Author, Pastor and Inspiring leader Joel Osteen packs out a venue with 38,000 people every week to share gods word and his words of hope and encouragement that is broadcasted to over 20 million people every month.

According to Nielsen Media Research, Joel Osteen is the most watched inspirational figure in America.

Joel Osteen has 1000′s of inspirational quotes and words of wisdom for the world to hear and it was hard to narrow it down to 50 inspiring quotes, but we did it.


The Top 50 Inspirational Quotes by Joel Osteen


1. “You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.” – Joel Osteen

2. “I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors.” – Joel Osteen

3. “Don’t go into the new year holding a grudge from last year. Leave the hurts and disappointments behind.” – Joel Osteen

4. You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors… What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? Well, then you’d come to closed door number eight and you’d think, ‘Great, I got another one out of the way’… Keep moving forward. – Joel Osteen

5. “Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” – Joel Osteen

6. “Nothing in life has happened to you. It’s happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are.” – Joel Osteen

7. “God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it.” – Joel Osteen

8. “If you have your health, if you have people in your life to love, you are blessed. Slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.” – Joel Osteen

9. “Start believing today that things are going to change for the better. Your best days are still out in front of you.” – Joel Osteen

10. “See, when you drive home today, you’ve got a big windshield on the front of your car. And you’ve got a little bitty rearview mirror. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what’s happened in your past is not near as important as what’s in your future.” – Joel Osteen

11. “The more you talk about negative things in your life, the more you call them in. Speak victory not defeat.” – Joel Osteen

12. “You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life.” – Joel Osteen

13. “Stones of judgment, discouragement or doubt may be thrown at you. You can’t stop them, but you can make the choice to keep your walls up and not let them affect you.” – Joel Osteen

14. “If you want success, if you want wisdom, if you want to be prosperous and healthy, you’re going to have to do more than meditate and believe; you must boldly declare words of faith and victory over yourself and your family.” – Joel Osteen

15. “It may look like the difficulty is going to defeat you. But you need to keep telling yourself, “This sickness can’t take my life.” “This cancer can’t defeat me.” “No bad break, no disappointment, no accident can shorten one second of my divine destiny.” – Joel Osteen

16. “Don’t live worried, frustrated or upset because of what somebody did or what didn’t work out. Come back to a place of peace. It’s not going to work against you; it’s going to work for you.” – Joel Osteen

17. “Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.” – Joel Osteen

18. “You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.” – Joel Osteen

19. “When you go through enough dark places, you don’t complain about little things. You don’t lose your joy because you got stuck in traffic; you don’t get offended because a coworker was rude to you. You’ve been through too much to let that sour you.” – Joel Osteen

20. “No matter what’s happening, choose to be happy. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Find something positive in your life. Thank God for the small things.” – Joel Osteen

21. “Don’t waste your energy trying to convince people to understand you. Your time is too valuable to try to prove yourself to people.” – Joel Osteen

22. “Make the decision and say, “I’m not letting that worry in. I’m done being upset when my plans don’t work out. I’m not letting that stress in.” Negative thoughts will still come to your mind, but you don’t have to let them into your spirit.” – Joel Osteen

23. “God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to let the wrong people walk away.” – Joel Osteen

24. “Encouragement to others is something everyone can give. Somebody needs what you have to give. It may not be your money; it may be your time. It may be your listening ear. It may be your arms to encourage. It may be your smile to uplift. Who knows?” – Joel Osteen

25. “There is a winner in you. You were created to be successful, to accomplish your goals, to leave your mark on this generation. You have greatness in you. The key is to get it out.” – Joel Osteen


Joel Osteen Motivation Work In Progress Picture Quote26. “Don’t make excuses, don’t blame the past. The rest of your life can be the best of your life!” – Joel Osteen

27. “It’s easy to get negative because you get beat down. You go through a few disappointments and it’s easy to stay in that negative frame of mind. Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is a whole cliche, but your attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” – Joel Osteen

28. “There may be times when you just have to love people from a distance.” – Joel Osteen

29. “You’re not really free until you’re free from trying to please everybody.” – Joel Osteen

30. “Don’t settle in the land of barely enough. That is where you are, it is not who you are. That’s your location, it’s not your identity. No matter what it looks like, have an abundant mentality.” – Joel Osteen

31. “Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be better off than before.” – Joel Osteen

32. “No matter how dark and gloomy it looks in your life right now, if you’ll release the weight of those burdens, you will see the sun break forth.” – Joel Osteen

33. “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” – Joel Osteen

34. “Keep in mind, hurting people often hurt other people as a result of their own pain. If somebody is rude and inconsiderate, you can almost be certain that they have some unresolved issues inside. They have some major problems, anger, resentment, or some heartache they are trying to cope with or overcome. The last thing they need is for you to make matters worse by responding angrily.” – Joel Osteen

35. “When the negative thoughts come – and they will; they come to all of us – it’s not enough to just not dwell on it… You’ve got to replace it with a positive thought.” – Joel Osteen

36. “If one dream dies, dream another dream. If you get knocked down, get back up and go again.” – Joel Osteen

37. “Friend, there’s no greater investment in life than in being a people builder. Relationships are more important than our accomplishments.” – Joel Osteen

38. “Do all you can to make your dreams come true.” – Joel Osteen

39. “I wouldn’t ever say if you’re having tough times then there must be something wrong with you or your attitude. Life’s a fight. It’s a good fight of faith. I encourage people to stay up, stay hopeful, stay faith-filled.” – Joel Osteen

40. “Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment. It’s good to have a big – picture outlook, to set goals, to establish budgets and make plans, but if you’re always living in the future, you’re never really enjoying the present in the way God wants you to.” – Joel Osteen

41. “Sometimes we look back and 10 years from now we think, ‘Boy, those were great old days.’ Well, you know, we’re living in the good old days.” – Joel Osteen

42. “You were not created to just get by with an average, unrewarding, or unfulfilling life. God created you to leave your mark on this generation.” – Joel Osteen

43. “Indeed, it is as important to learn how to receive a blessing as it is to be willing to give one.” – Joel Osteen

44. “You will never change what you tolerate.” – Joel Osteen

45. “If we’re going to bring out the best in people, we, too, need to sow seeds of encouragement.” – Joel Osteen

46. “We may get knocked down on the outside, but the key to living in victory is to learn how to get up on the inside.” – Joel Osteen

47. “The question is not, ‘Do you have a problem?’ The question is, ‘Does the problem have you?’” – Joel Osteen

48. “Don’t just accept whatever comes your way in life. You were born to win; you were born for greatness; you were created to be a champion in life.” – Joel Osteen

49. “Keep in mind, just because you don’t know the answer doesn’t mean that one does not exist. You simply haven’t discovered it yet.” – Joel Osteen

50. “In difficult times, we’re not supposed to quit believing; we’re not supposed to quit growing.”  – Joel Osteen


Joel Osteen Motivation Picture Quote

What is your favorite Joel Osteen Quote? Share it with ME in the comment section below.

32 Inspirational Michael Bernard Beckwith Quotes

Michael Bernard Beckwith Inspirational Quotes

Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Leader and Meditation teacher, “Michael Bernard Beckwith” is the Founder of Agape University of Transformational Studies and Leadership in Los Angeles.

Michael Beckwith has also shared the stage with many amazing motivational speakers over the years.

Dr Michael Beckwith’s books, DVD’s and audio CD’s sell in the masses world-wide and he has open the hearts and minds of many who are looking at making a positive change in their life.

Here are 32 Inspirational quotes by Michael Bernard Beckwith that will expand your mind, body and soul.


Michael Bernard Beckwith Quotes


“When we shift from negatively complaining to positively affirming, conditions change. Then complaining is no longer the operative law in our life-freedom is.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“A person all wrapped up in themselves makes for a mighty small package.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Do you press the “pause” button – the “until” button in life by saying “I can’t be happy until…”? Press the “play” button and rejoice in the nowness of the moment.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“You are at a choice-point in every moment of each circumstance, each activity, spoken word and thought” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Do you live in a mine field or a garden? When we live in a minefield mentality, we explode with the weeds of worry, doubt, fear, lack and limitation. Choose to cultivate your inner garden!” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Stop looking outside for help. You’re sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It’s your life.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“The universe corresponds to the nature of your song.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Integrity is about being integrated with the spiritual values of the Universe. It is also about being happy, because happiness and joy mean that you’re coming into integrity with your soul.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted…. As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“And you can break yourself free from your hereditary patterns, cultural codes, social beliefs; and prove once and for all that the power within you is greater than the power that’s in the world.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Don’t look for your dreams to become true; look to become true to your dreams.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“The pain pushes until the vision pulls.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“When you make genuine contact with your inner Spirit, there is an inner joy, an inner peace, that takes over.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Be a beneficial presence on the planet. Give your Gifts. Boldly go where no woman or no man has ever gone before.” – Michael Beckwith

“I believe that you’re great, that there’s something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life. Regardless of how young or old you think you might be. The moment you begin to ‘think properly,’ this something that’s within you, this power within you that’s greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it. Now that is what I know, for sure.” – Michael Beckwith


Michael Bernard Beckwith – Let Your Dream Awaken You


“There’s enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Learn to become still. And to take your attention away from what you don’t want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place your attention on what you wish to experience.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“If you are not thinking for yourself, someone else is thinking for you. Choose for yourself and become free from society’s undertow. The Universe is ready to support you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, ‘There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough. The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Fall forward, in your failing, and rise up with a soul on fire!” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Your technology is the inner practice of meditation, which will stimulate the link between your brain and ignite your innate desire to know your True Self. Trust yourself in a deeper way & reap the rewards!” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“So as you are beginning your day anchor yourself in the truth. Know that all is well. Extend this to your friends, colleagues and all that you meet. That life is for YOU! It is never against you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Mediocrity always attacks excellence” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Your life began in the heart & mind of the Infinite. Mentally relive the days when as a child you ran free, when there were infinite possibilities of what you could feel, accomplish, and see in the world. Allow for the energy of your remembered freedom to thunder through you, and you will free your self from the false obstacles your adult.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you’re holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious. Thats’ the rub.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Today, refuse to see yourself as a recipient of negative vibrations or as a victim of subtle or gross influence around you. Practice broadcasting the high vibrations of your inner radiance remembering all the while that the place upon which you stand is holy simply because you are standing there.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“If you are not consciously directing your life, you will lose your footing and circumstances will decide for you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged, chronic way of thinking, they’re in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

“Authentic gratitude is a way of life. When you wake up in the morning let your first thought be one of thanksgiving that you have another day to walk in the love of God. As you go through your day, see the Giver behind all of the gifts freely being given to you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

36 Motivational Bruce Lee Quotes

bruce lee quotes

Martial artist, actor, instructor, filmmaker and philanthropist, the legendary Bruce Lee was arguably the most influential martial artist of all time.

Bruce Lee’s appearance in films such as Enter the Dragon made him an iconic figure throughout the world, popularising Hong Kong martial artists in the Western World and beyond. Many have also credited him as the man who changed the way Asians were presented in Hollywood, and Lee was named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

All of this was achieved in spite of his unfortunate death at the age of 32 in 1973.

Ruthlessly dedicated, composed and focused, Lee’s philosophy of life was impregnated with traditional Confucian principles, and his wisdom ought to be applied by anyone seeking to live a daring, purposeful life.


Here are 36 timeless Bruce Lee quotes that will challenge you to live an incredible life.


“If you truly love life, don’t waste time because time is what life is made of.”   – Bruce Lee

“Don’t fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.” – Bruce Lee

“The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.”- Bruce Lee

“Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” – Bruce Lee

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” – Bruce Lee

“Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are the weeds that strange confidence.”  – Bruce Lee

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”  – Bruce Lee

“As you think, so shall you become”. – Bruce Lee

“‎The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” – Bruce Lee

“In order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.” –  Bruce Lee

“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”  – Bruce Lee

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”  – Bruce Lee

“Real living is living for others.”   – Bruce Lee

A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.”  – Bruce Lee

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”  – Bruce Lee

“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.”  – Bruce Lee

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”   – Bruce Lee

“Remember no man is really defeated unless he is discouraged.”  – Bruce Lee

“There is “what is” only when there is no comparing and to live with “what is” is to be peaceful.”   – Bruce Lee


bruce lee flow motivation picture quote


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times.”   – Bruce Lee

“Be happy, but never satisfied.”   – Bruce Lee

“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities”.  – Bruce Lee

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”   – Bruce Lee

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.” Bruce Lee

“In the middle of chaos lies opportunity”  – Bruce Lee

“Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.”  – Bruce Lee

“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own”  – Bruce Lee

“The more we value things, the less we value ourselves”  –  Bruce Lee

“Only the self-sufficient stand alone – most people follow the crowd and imitate.”  – Bruce Lee

“To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person”.  – Bruce Lee

“It is not a shame to be knocked down by other people. The important thing is to ask when you’re being knocked down, ‘Why am I being knocked down?’ If a person can reflect in this way, then there is hope for this person.”   – Bruce Lee

“The doubters said,
“Man can not fly,”
The doers said,
“Maybe, but we’ll try,”
And finally soared
In the morning glow
While non-believers
Watched from below.”   – Bruce Lee

“Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.”   – Bruce Lee

“It is not a shame to be knocked down by other people. The important thing is to ask when you’re being knocked down, ‘Why am I being knocked down?’ If a person can reflect in this way, then there is hope for this person.”   – Bruce Lee

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering”.  – Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee’s Success Advice:

A collection of Bruce Lee interviews and snippets where he outlines his personal philosophy for living a truly great life.


7 Ludicrous Lies You Keep Telling Yourself

suit business man success

There are so many lies that society ingrained inside of you, that you adopted as you own. From your parents to your teachers, these lies snuck into your life, without you even realizing it.

Now it’s time to uncover them to achieve the success you truly deserve.

Here are 7 ludicrous lies you tell yourself that keep you away from success.


1. I shouldn’t fail

The most successful people fail and they fail often. If you want to speed up your path to success, take goal-aligned actions that are above what you think you’re capable of every single day.

Failing involves trying and moving out of your comfort zone.  If you avoid the risk of failing, you are setting yourself up for failure by default.


“When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.” ~ Eloise Ristad


2. I shouldn’t be scared

We live in a society that tells us, “you must overcome your fears and radically eliminate them”. This makes us thrive towards an unrealistic state that we may never achieve.

Fear will only disappear when you do nothing, try nothing, be nothing.

It disappears when you stay within your comfort zone and avoid taking any kind of risks – but for that, you pay the price of a boring life.

The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is not their degree of fear – but how they respond to it.

As Stephen Pressfield famously wrote in the ‘War of Art’:

Stephen Pressfield Picture Quote

 (“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist.”   ~Steven Pressfield)

Accept your fears and use it as a catapult for progress by doing what needs to get done.


3. I should be able to do it alone

Successful people create an environment that supports their goals and surrounds themselves with the right people.

You don’t have to do it alone and find all the answers yourself.  A friend of mine once said:

“The more you ask, the more you can get.”

If asking makes you feel uncomfortable, become a giver. A person that gives feels no discomfort in asking, they see it as a mutual exchange of love.

“The strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it.  ~ Rona Barret  (Retweet this)


4. My circumstances are my problem

People view the problems that they encounter external to themselves. They blame others for what is happening or not happening. They blame the economy, the environment or anything else they can find.

Life is a projection and your problems are mere delusions of your thinking. In the philosopher’s notes on ‘Love what is’ by Byron Katie, there is a great little story that goes like this:

Imagine you’re in the cinema watching a movie. When the movie starts, you notice some smudge on the screen. So, you get up and try to wipe it off – but it doesn’t go away. You try harder and harder, but nothing changes. You get frustrated and annoyed and can’t enjoy the movie anymore.

The problem was never the screen but rather the projector that had smudge on its lens. Your mind is the projector and your life the movie screen. If you see smudge on the screen , you don’t need to wipe down the screen – but the projector that projects it.

Don’t go through life thinking you need to change the “movie screen” – your life – instead change the projector by changing the way you think.


5. I shouldn’t struggle

Your struggles are not your problem – your response to them is.  Some say the word struggle derived from  Proto-Germanic “strūkōną” – “to be stiff”. When you struggle, you don’t flow with life, accept, and embrace life as it comes.

What if you see your struggles as gifts that give you the optimal opportunities to grow, develop and mature? Eliminate the idea of struggles and problems: Life either presents itself as “blissful experiences or as blissful opportunities to learn”.

“Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.“ ~ Napoleon Hill


6. I just need to fix my weaknesses

Your areas of strength offer the biggest room for personal growth. Instead of wasting your time fixing weaknesses, going from terrible to mediocre, spend your time and energy to develop excellence. This can only be achieved by focusing on your natural talents and developing them into strengths.

Successful people are not well-rounded,instead they capitalize on their strengths and manage around their weaknesses. By fixing your weaknesses, you ultimately aim for average. It’s not the path to glory.

Play to win instead of play not to lose.

“Emphasize strengths, don’t fix weaknesses.” ~ Tim Ferriss


7. I need to have the end in mind

Stephen Covey talked about beginning with the end in mind, having a clear focus on where you are heading. But constant thinking about your goals means being mentally in the future, disengaged from the current moment.

Being mindfully present in the now with focused attention on the task, is the key ingredient for high performance.

In his book ‘Over-achievement’, psychologist John Eliot explains that overachievers act in the “trusting mindset”, being total engaged in what they are doing, without thought.

To live your best life, be present and mentally engaged in the now.  Success starts in this very moment, with the choices you make right now.

Yes, keep the end in my mind. Plan, dream and visualize – but have the “present moment” more present in mind. Will Smith was right when he said:

Will Smith Quote

Which lie are you telling yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

4 Effective Ways To Find Your True Talents

finding your true talents to be successful in life

Are you looking for the secret path to a successful life? Something you can find out there in the world – if you just keep searching for it. You see, most people make the mistake of looking outward for success opportunities.

However, the easiest and most rewarding path to success is looking within. Discovering what you have to offer to the world that nobody else can. Finding your own unique talents and sharing them in a meaningful way.

So here is a little run down on the importance of finding your true talents.



Why you need to find your talents and strengths

Most people never find their natural talents and strengths – either because they do not believe they have any or because they underestimate their importance. If you want to be successful, discovering your uniqueness is not a nice bonus – it’s a necessity. The following two examples show you why:

Your biggest room for growth lies within your talents

A common assumption in today’s society is that the key to success is fixing your weakness. People tend to think that working on what you are not good at is the fastest way to grow and develop. That’s far from the truth. Of course, you can get better at anything. Working on your weakness can help you go from bad to mediocre. But you will never be able to achieve true excellence without an underlying talent. As Markus Buckingham says: each person’s greatest room for growth is in the areas of his or her greatest strength.î So find these areas of talent and strength and capitalize on them. That way you can use your full potential.

Making use of your key differentiator

What sets you apart from everyone else is your unique personality with all the special talents and strengths that you possess. YOU are the biggest asset that you could ever have. The first step to embrace your uniqueness is being aware that you are special. You are like nobody else in this world. Nobody else has had the same experiences as you. No one has exactly the same characteristics and shares the same values. Nobody has learned all the various skills you learned. Discovering your talents and strengths means becoming more aware of who you really are. Because only when you know what makes you so unique ñ you can fully embrace and make use of it.


But what exactly is a talent?

A talent is simply a strong characteristic that you have. It’s something you naturally do, think, or feel and that can be used in a beneficial way. It is nothing you acquired in school or that was taught to you at university. A talent is just a natural pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior. Psychologists say that 90% of what you think every day is repetitive*. Meaning most of what you think today, you already thought yesterday, and 90% of these thoughts you also thought the day before … Not only are your thoughts the results of underlying patterns but also your behavior and feelings. Finding your talents is simply about discovering these most prominent patterns within you and then using it to your advantage.


Identifying your unique talents

To set yourself up for success and capitalize on the way you are, you need to identify your unique characteristics. This is a process that takes quite some time but that is definitely worth doing!

The following four ways can help you get started:


1. Find what makes you feel strong

Keep track of how you spend the next two days: What are you doing, feeling or thinking about daily? Write down everything that energizes you and makes you feel strong. It could be a particular physical activity such as meeting up and going dancing with a friend or a mental activity such as finding a solution to a difficult problem. Then when you found a few things you repeatedly do and love, dig deeper and see what part of that particular activity made you feel good.

So for example, one of my patterns is that I love learning and sharing my findings with you. That statement in itself is not quite true: I don’t like learning about everything. Give me books about personal development and I am occupied for hours feeling energized and in flow. Give me almost anything else and I am bored to hell. I like sharing what I learn but if you make me talk about it in front of a crowd, I will try to run and hide. However, sit down with me alone and I will happily talk with you for hours. These are distinct differences that are vital to know in order to make the most of my talent.

Look out for your own patterns: what are you always doing or thinking about? What can you just not help doing, thinking or feeling? Even if someone asks you not to? Often these are things that others can find quite annoying about you ;)


2. Discover what you spend your money on

Your core values are closely linked with what you spend your money and time on. Take note of what you spend your money on and look closer at what this can tell you about yourself.

For example, I spend my money on books, seminars and conferences. The types of books I buy show me what I am passionate about – namely personal development and entrepreneurship. But what’s behind it is my innate desire to learn and grow. That is a strong natural characteristic of mine, a talent that drives everything I do, how I think and how I spend my time.

If you like spending money on going out with friends, is it that you like bringing people together? Is it that you like getting attention and expressing yourself? Or maybe is it because you value deepening your pre-existing friendships? Why do you do what you do? What is behind it? The key is to keep digging deeper in order to get to the core essence of your talent patterns.

Most people, including myself in the past, make the terrible mistake of being too fast and not taking enough time to truly discover themselves. Identifying what makes you truly unique and what drives you is not a 1-minute exercise you can complete while brushing your teeth.


3. Asking others

Find out what others value most about you. What personal characteristics would describe you best? Ask your friends, partner and family members what they love most about your personality. This will not just be valuable for your self-confidence ñ it will also show you what you are likely to dismiss about yourself. You might be surprised by what you find out. Often, how you see yourself is very different to how others see you.

The problem with talents and strengths is that they are so normal to you that you tend to dismiss them. You are so used to them that you take them for granted and don’t realise that they exist and that they are your biggest asset.


4. Using personality tests

Another good way to discover your unique talents is using a personality test. One that I can recommend is the Clifton StrengthFinder which determines your top five dominant patterns. It gives you a detailed explanation of them and actionable advice about how to put them to use. The test has really opened my eyes and helped me understand my talents and myself a little better. You can buy the test as part of the book  Now, Discover Your Strengths or get it on its own.

However, don’t just use the test alone and do nothing with it. The result alone will have no impact on you or your strength development unless you use the answers as a starting point to get to know yourself better. The best would be going through the steps in the order described above. Start with self-analysis, then see if others confirm your view about yourself and lastly you can also see what personality tests reveal about you. From my experiences, this process will prove to be the most valuable one for finding your unique talents and strengths.

Let me know what you think in the comments section;)